Sunday, July 12, 2009

Metalcamp 2009. First line. Field report. Over.

Metalcamp, Slovenia.

They say "Hell over paradise" and are right. Location is brilliant, a huge plain flanked by the 2 rivers of emerald green water Soca and Tolminka. Around you only to see peaks and wake up suddenly with an acute idea of climbing them.

About the festival: good organization (except the mud on the house) crazy rockers but ok people, great sound, decent food (I am sick of hamburgers and chicken kebab, mom's chicken soup rulez! :D), Aka Pivo beer is pretty bad but after 6 hours at the concert is brilliant: D

And the rain. It poured like crazy almost every day. But that didn't stop the metal!

Was it worth it?

Hell yeah!

New pics added from Metalcamp 2009

and "the team"


Dana Andrei said...

Fotografiile sunt WOW! Chiar foarte wow. Ma bucur ca a meritat. :p

baftaman said...

La anu o comitem impreuna Dog...poze ok, atmosfera idem, metalu' la comment nu pot sa zic decat ca sunt fan Angela Gosow de la Arch Enemy si tipele din pozele cu nr. 24 si tinde sa spun ca si tipa din poza 17 e o metalista frumushica dar ii cam intra chilotii in cur si nu ma pot uita ca ma rupe Vera in doua.

keep metal & Christ alive \m/ \m/

ROXLIU said...

Exceptional, demential, real, DE FACUT!